3 Incredible Ways to Minimize Stubborn Face Fat!

You havelost some weight, but the face fat has not gotten the memo or you’ve put on a few pounds in your face.

Today we are going to tell, what’s behind chubby chin and round cheeks?

When we lose or gain weight, we are not decreasing or increasing the number of fat cells (adiposities). Instead, the cells themselves are shrinking or enlarging. That is the reason why many people have a problem area in their body. These people have much more fat cells in specific are than other people do.
However, some people are born with own face characteristic (bone structure) and sometimes makes the face fuller. You can do nothing for spot reduce fat or change the genetics. But there are a few ways to remove or to thin out the face:
face fat

1. Your hormones are surging

Women also have bloated faces during the premenstrual syndrome. If you have irregular periods or if you experience hot flashes, you probably entering into per menopause, which can lead to menopause that can last for years.

2. Treat any food intolerances

People who are gluten sensitive or people with irritable bowel syndrome are often with fuller face. Bloating can be a symptom for digestive disorders. Many studies have shown that IBS causes bloating, but it’s still unclear why.

3. Fight water retention

Excess salt, sugar and alcohol intake are related to fuller face, says Dr. Sue Decotiis, eminent weight loss expert. These unhealthy products help the body tissues to hold onto water. If you want to slimmer your face, you have to decrease the consumption of these face bloaters and to increase the consumption of water. The body is more apt to retain the water when you are dehydrated.

Chinese Face Map Reveals What Your Body Fights With!

Our skin, which is the largest organ in our body, manifests certain symptoms whenever something goes wrong in the body, and this is evident on the face.

The Chinese medicine teaches us that every area of our face is related to particular organs of our organism,

and our face shows it anytime when we suffer from any imbalance, most often by the occurrence of pimples, rashes and changes in the skin’s color.
Forehead: bladder and small intestine


Cause: consumption of large amounts of fats and canned food which leads to slow digestion; in addition, consuming too much sugar and alcohol, night life and stress.

Cure: raw food, large amounts of water, avoidance of alcohol and more sleep.

Between the eyebrows: liver

Cause: The stomach does not rest as much as it needs and feels tired, so it is required that it works too much when you consume a lot of meat and you might be allergic to some foods.

Cure: healthy and fresh foods, fresh air, yoga or any other exercises, fast walk and meditation.

Eyebrow arch: kidneys

Cause: alcohol, smoking cigarettes, poor circulation and weakened heart.

Cure: reduction of the caffeine intake and avoidance of sweetened drinks and alcohol. Drink plenty of water instead.

Nose: heart

Cause: gasses, bloated stomach, polluted air, closed space and poor circulation. It may also be the case of hypertension.

Cure: Check your cholesterol level and regulate your blood pressure. You must exercise. Moreover, in order to detoxify the body, drink organic green tea.

Upper part of the cheeks: lungs

Cause: smoking, pollution and asthma. Also, there is a possibility of dark circles around your eyes.

Cure:In case you are a smoker, quit it as soon as you can, and do not expose on polluted air or cigarette smoke. Throughout the day, find some additional activities or start exercising.

Cheeks: lungs and kidneys

Cause: unhealthy food, overall consumption of sugar,smoking, stress

Cure: Use only high quality cosmetic products and do not consume unhealthy foods

Mouth and chin: stomach

Cause: Sugar, fatty foods, and stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. This area is most impacted while using spiced foods. Moreover, stress and staying up deep in the night can also lead to imbalance.

Cure: Consume large amounts of fruits and foods that will balance your organism. Consult your doctor if the problem continues.

Jaw and neck: hormones

Cause: Drinking small amounts of water, overall intake of salt and season food, as well as the overall consummation of caffeine.

Cure: Drink large amounts of water every day and reduce the consumption of seasons, salt and caffeine.

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(HealthAndLovePage) Although breast cancer is still one of the most serious health issues today, the fact is that the number of women in the United States who have breast cancer is dropping since 2000.

 According to some statistics, between 2002 and 2003 this level decreased by 7%. This is the period when the Women’s Health Initiative has published a scientific study that confirms the relation between hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer.

The sudden decrease of breast cancer cases is believed to be directly linked with the drop in the number of hormone replacement therapies. Of course, finding more ways that will successfully help us prevent or treat breast cancer is still a priority for the scientists that work in this field.
Superfood Mixture That Kills Breast Cancer Cells

Superfood Cocktail Kills 100 Percent of Breast Cancer Cells With No Side Effects

It appears that a combination of six protective nutrients can be deadly to breast cancer cells.
A study from LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans conducted 2 years ago, found that the use of a superfood mixture that contains six natural compounds in roots, spices, fruits and vegetables can lead to elimination of 100% of sampled breast cancer cells without causing any harm to healthy cells and without any side effects.
According to Dr. Madhwa Raj, a research professor at LSU, the main reasons why breast cancer recurs so often is the fact that there are a small number of cancer stem cells that cannot be treated with conventional therapy. These cancer cells can often remain unaffected even when doctors use several different types of drugs and what is even worse they can create new tumors in the body, so it is crucial to come up with new methods that are safer and efficient when it comes to preventing and treating breast cancer.
The team of scientists started testing 10 protective chemical nutrients from grapes, broccoli, tofu, turmeric root and apples. They have decided to pay closer attention to the effects of curcumin also known as turmeric, Indo-3-Carbinol found in cruciferous vegetables, Isoflavone found in soybeans, quercetin from vegetables, fruits and tea, resveratrol found in grapes and C-phyocyanin from spirulina. Each of these six compounds were tested separately at bioavailable levels and after that the team tested them in combinations.
They have concluded that when they are tested individually they don’t provide any effects when it comes to elimination of breast cancer cells, but in a combination together they are extremely deadly to breast cancer cells. This combination managed to suppress the growth of cancer cells by more than 80% and completely stopped the invasion and migration. The superfood cocktail made of natural ingredients managed to apprehend cell cycle which ultimately lead to the termination of all sampled breast cancer cells.
Superfood Cocktail Kills 100 Percent of Breast Cancer Cells With No Side Effects
A gynecologist from New Orleans agreed to give this superfood cocktail to her patients.
Dr. Shailaja G. Raj, a gynecologist from New Orleans specialized in fertility and reproductive endocrinology is well-aware of the fact that women are afraid of breast cancer. She looked at the final results of Dr. Madhwa Raj’s study and decided to provide this supplement to her patients.
She believes that the strong antioxidant properties found in this natural supplement may help her patients worried about their breast health. She worked together with Protogene Corporation to design this supplement. This superfood cocktail is now available on the official website of Protogene.

Dr. Shailaja Raj highly recommends this product to her patients, but warns that this supplement is not an official treatment because it still lacks evidence gathered through clinical trials.